
The school is having an excellent faculty from various parts of the country. The teachers at Sanskar possess the intellectual caliber and insight to effectively guide their students. To a teacher every student is unique and their unique attributes need to be recognised and encouraged. Here, the student teacher interaction starts in the classroom continues in playgrounds, at lunch break & in library. Therefore the student is never disconnected.


A well furnished library with adequate books of different fields, Reference Books, Periodicals, Magazines, News Papers are available for students and staff.

Science Laboratory

A well stocked and fully equipped lab is maintained.

Computer Lab

Computer Lab Consisting of20 Computers, duly upgraded, is established. A Broadband line is extended for use of Internet service. All computers are on LAN.

Smart Classes

08 Classrooms with adequate material have been made available for use as Smart Class Rooms.

Other Labs

The school has Maths, Social Science and Language Labs also.


The School has all sports field in the campus. Besides Volleyball, Football, Badminton, Kho-Kho. The School has Table Tennis also.


The School is intended to start NCC training (1/2 Troop Jr. Div.), The students will get NCC ‘A’ Certificate. It will be beneficial to the students for future prospectus.

SUPW, Music, Yoga

SUPW, Music, Yoga and other activity rooms are available to explore the skills of the students. Physical health of the students is given attention to by regular medical check up in the school once in a year. Yoga, as part of the school curriculum, induces, holistic and healthy lifestyle for children.

Remedial classes

For betterment of the students, special attention is given towards bright students to achieve highest grades, in academics. Special classes are being organized for slow learners during assembly/zero periods.

Hostel facilities

Hostel facilities are also available for the students coming from different parts of the country. Students are accommodated in four/six seated AC/ Non AC rooms conducive for studying and rest. Adequate ancillaries are available for use by hostelers. The Recreational room is fitted with Plazma TV for the hostelers. The hostel is under the  care of a resident warden which offers an excellent environment of living and learning. The school kitchen in managed by the professional cooks.


Transport facilities are extended to all students on payment. Students residing within a radius of 30KMs from the school are provided school transport against cost sharing basis.

Code of Conduct

The student must be regular and punctual. Attendance on 15 Aug, 26 Jan and on opening and closing days of each term of the school is obligatory. 75% attendance is compulsory during the session.

The students/staff must abide by the rules and regulations of the school. They must use proper language, wear prescribed uniform and maintain the decorum of the school

The students should maintain dignified conduct both in and outside the school. They should respect the Principal, members of the faculty, parents, visitors and cooperate with the students. The use of unparliament language and ill treatment to the juniors is an offence.